(316) 796-1015 ryan.speer7@gmail.com



Original Farm 1891

Crop Rotations

A primary goal of Jacob Farms is to always have something growing! The soil is a living organism and needs to be fed all year around. So when one crop comes off another goes back in, whether it is a cash crop or a cover crop.  We currently grow corn, soybeans, wheat, milo, cotton and over 45 different cover crop species.  

For best results, we believe in diversifying our crop rotation. Crop rotation can improve yield and profitability over time, contol weeds, break disease cycles, control pests, reduce soil erosion, improve soil tilth, increase organic matter, and reduce runoff of nutrients and chemicals.

In a no-till system, annual crop rotations adds to soil structure by diversifying the types of roots that are being added to the system.  From taproot crops to fibrous root crops, diversity in root structure improves the soil’s physcial, biological, and chemical composition.

By diversifying cropping sequences, crop rotation disrupts the annual life cycle of diseases, insects, and weeds. And by breaking up their life cycles, we use fewer crop inputs to fight pests, and thus reduce both costs and enviromental repercussions.

Crop Rotation Patterns

Irrigated Rotation:  Corn-Cotton-Corn-Soybean-D.C. Wheat-D.C. Soybean or Milo

Dryland Rotation:  Corn-Soybean-D.C. Wheat-D.C. Milo or Soybean

We plant cover crop mixes between the corn and soybean cash crop most years and various other blends wherever it fits into the rotation scheme.

Contact Jacob Farms

9733 N. 151st West
Sedgwick, Kansas 67135
(316) 796-1015

Owners: Steve Jacob & Ryan Speer